Been shootin for weeks!

     So, while I haven’t been updating the blog that often, I’ve surely been shooting. I figured I’m long overdue for another update and here it is:

      We’re going to go a little out of chronological order here, only because these first 2 are some of my favorite shots and I really want to highlight them. The first is from the Federal Triangle area and is actually of the front side of the EPA building I believe. It was shot as 11 independent images, assembled back together with AutoStitch, pulled in Snapseed for the Drama filter, tone adjustment, tilt-shift and framing. This was also the first time I used Perfect Photo to increase the sharpness and Impression to add a watermark!

The results of today's iPhone photo class :)
The results of today’s iPhone photo class 🙂

     The second one from the same day is meeting getting up close and personal with a huge statue of a rose out in front of this same building. First it was pulled into Perfect Photo to up the sharpness and really bring some detail into those scratches and scuffs. Then I used the Snapsneed Black and White filter to drop all the color and add a little extra grain. The depth of field you see is ACTUALLY the real depth of field from the iPhone 4s, no til-shift here! Pretty amazing for a phone camera huh?! That was about it for this shot, frame, watermark and post!

Another quick shot of a cool rose statue in downtown #dc
Another quick shot of a cool rose statue in downtown #dc

     This shot is probably one of my favorites. Very simple shot, taken with my phone laying flat on the bar, pulled into Snapseed and used the drama filled first, pushed up the contrast and the tilt-shift to pull the pint glass into focus.

It's big cuz it has to work! Community Service is DONE! #beerme
It’s big cuz it has to work! Community Service is DONE! #beerme

     The next is a sunset I caught by accident walking to the gym on the roof of my building….. I walked past the pool door, not yet open for this season and caught the sunset at the perfect time to shoot it with Pro-HDR, pull it into Snapseed for the Drama filter and the framing… simply, easy, and I think its one of my favorite sunset shots yet!

Sunset over my rooftop pool.... can't wait for summer!!
Sunset over my rooftop pool…. can’t wait for summer!!

     Next up, Project i365 goes mechanical! hahaha So I had to stop at Auto Zone for a little oil since my Audi seems to burn through it like its going out of style, and as I was leaning over to pour the oil in, I caught some great light and thought it would make a fun shot. It was shot with Pro-Camera (to get the exposure right), then pulled into Snapseed to turn the saturation down to zero for the no grain black and white effect, and finally elliptical tilt-shift and a frame to draw the focus in to the warning: NICHT ÜBERFULLEN!

NICHT ÜBERFULLEN! #itsoundscooleringerman #audi #oilisgood
NICHT ÜBERFULLEN! #itsoundscooleringerman #audi #oilisgood

     And finally, a shot I took a while back and recently decided to edit and post it. It was shot with Pro-HDR, sharpened in Perfect Photo, brought into Photo Splash to have the color removed on everything put the mirror, loaded into Snapseed, upped the saturation, used the Drama filter and finally tilt-shift to draw even more attention to the mirror and sunset!

A little sun on my back..... #beautifulday
A little sun on my back….. #beautifulday

     That does it for this last update. I hope you like what you see, feel free to leave some comments and I’ll have some new updates up soon, Promise!!



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