26MayJune 9, 2016 We’ve Finally Arrived! Indy 500 Trip Log #2 And what an adventure it's been already. Our alarms were set yesterday for 9am to finish packing, run last-minute errands, head to the airportContinue Reading→
25MayJune 9, 2016 And Away We Go… Indy 500 Trip Log #1 So this is really it, we're finally getting on the road headed out to the 100th running of the Indy 500 in our rented 30' RV! We're not exactlContinue Reading→
23May Captain’s Log – Cadillac Repair #7,012 I'm just going to go ahead and put it out there.... WHAT THE FUCKIN FUCK?!?! Don't get me wrong, I love my CTS-V more than you could probably understaContinue Reading→