Current Weight-Loss Progress

     Since I’m basically starting all over again, at first I’ll keep things simple. If you haven’t seen my post about surgery yes, you can click here. If you’ve already covered that part, then you know I had bariatric surgery on February 10th, 2021. Before going into surgery I have a pre-op diet for 2 weeks, so my weight-loss started there. I have a bunch of intermediate goals to reach along the way to make this whole task a little more realistic, but my ultimate goal is to get under 200 pounds from where I stared, at my worst, of about 380. I start tracking my daily weight when I started the pre-op diet.

     So first up is the basic numbers. Here is my current weight-loss progress and measurements, and below that a chart showing the progress each day!

     And now onto the big chart… my weight-loss progress per day:

     It’s going to be a long journey, I know that… and I’m just getting started! (again… hahaha) If you see my slipping, please, go ahead and stalk me… reach out and give me shit about it. This time this needs to be a permanent change for the rest of my life!

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