The Struggle Is Real… The Win Is Better…

It hurts… oh yeah, it definitely hurts. I’ve been pushing myself through the two-a-day workouts, eating right and now on a juice fast for a few days before leaving for a long road trip. I’m working on building my endurance, trying to get back into running and of course, dropping those pounds, and today…. is a BIG day. This morning I passed the halfway point to my goal of dropping the first 60 pounds. I weighed in at 276.7 this morning, which puts my at 31.3 pounds lost toward my first goal of losing 60!!!

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Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 9.35.11 AMAlso, I’m still LOVING the Fitbit Flex I’ve been wearing for the past month and 10 days. It started as a little challenge between friends to all get one and just make sure we keep on top of each other about getting out steps in, doing a few workouts and making sure we all keep moving. Needless to say, in typical “me” fashion… “Go big or go home” I’ve decided to little run as much if not the most out of anyone on my Fitbit friends list. Anytime someone catches up, it pushes me even harder to jump on the treadmill and crank out another 45 minutes.

A lot of people have sent me some good advice, totally fair warnings and concerns about the way things are going, and I assure you, I’ve read, listened, and understand everything you’re all saying and it’s all on my mind all the time. I’m trying to go about this the healthiest and still fastest way possible. So to ease a few concerns:

1) No, I’m not pushing myself to the point where I could get injured. My workouts and cardio may be time-consuming, but there a medium pace, low impact and designed to build my endurance and stamina to prepare for my first 5k
2) No, I am not starving myself… I eat 3+ meals a day, granted they’re all just juice for this week, but I’m tracking everything I eat, every calorie, every vitamin and nutrient I can, and I AM getting almost every single thing my body needs. Between the juice, a little protein powder and my vitamins, I’m in a great spot.
3) Yes, this is sustainable. I’m surely not going to juice for the rest of my life, but replacing a meal or a snack here and there with juice is something I can and will do for a very long time. Not only do I enjoy it, but as each day goes on, I see and FEEL, more and more of the benefits.
4) The jury is out on the beard. Many have asked that if I lose all the weight… meaning I reach my largest goal of getting under 200, will I shave it? That one I’m not too sure about! 😛


Last but not least, thank you again to everyone who continue to motivate me, encourage me and especially those of you who have read a blog or Facebook post and it’s motivated you to get up and move around a bit. Even a little bit is amazing. I’ve just lost over 31 pounds in about 40 days, and that includes a pretty bad week in the middle. If I can do it, you can do it!!


One thought on “The Struggle Is Real… The Win Is Better…

  1. That’s so awesome…just unbelievable really! I am thinking about joining a gym again since the one in my building is completely un-motivational (and dark and gloomy and kind of sucky) so that would be a good start I suppose 🙂

    Keep up the good work–and please burn some calories for me!

    p.s. I think you should shave the beard…after all, it will be a whole new you!

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