Pounds, Pastels and Plateaus… BUSTED

So I needed a little nap... STOP JUDGING!!
So I needed a little nap… STOP JUDGING!!

     Everyone who’s ever dieted knows that sometimes you hit these plateaus and they can be frustrating as hell. They always seem to happen right when you set a small goal and really mess up your shopping trips!  😛

     So, of course, that’s where I am now. Locked in right around 290 pounds, and while I’m still on way and even a little ahead of schedule to hit my goal of 250 pounds for my cousin’s wedding in July, I really did want to get myself down just 10 more pounds by the time Gold Cup came around.

— 3 days later —

     So I’ve eaten right, been busting my butt on bike rides to get faster, go farther and make sure my heart rate stays up to where it should be, and it looks like I’ve made it though this last little plateau at 290 pounds , but one thing thats concerning a bit it how much my legs hurt, even with a rest day between rides. I’m going to have to look at what I’m eating and if there’s something I can improve on or change that might help me recover a little better or a little faster. Either that, or I have to slow it down a little bit no push so hard on rides.

     Either way… things are going well, especially since I hit another new low weight this morning after a 10 mile ride and a nearly 20,000 step day… so, for now I’ll just keep going and hope with another rest day and some great weather ahead the rights and the weight loss can continue. I’ve got just under 5 pounds to lose and 10 days to do it. Then I get to reward myself with new Brooks Brothers gear for the race! Also, for those of you wondering… YES… for race day, all diet rules are suspended!!

P.S. Right below this is my chart toward my goal of 250 pounds by July, but as always, you can look at my current weight loss charts page, which should now be permanently linked in the top right corner of any page about my weight loss from a desktop, or right below a blog post on a mobile phone.

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