From the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you to all of the people have commented, texted, called, etc… to both wish me well on the way into surgery, and in the past few days to check in and see how I’m doing. It made me feel so much more at ease going into surgery hearing from you, and had helped me immensely since getting out. The continued words of encouragement and support are nothing short of amazing.
I promise I will write more about the experience when I’m a but more rested and more comfortable but I wanted you all to know that I’m out of the hospital, I’m ok and I’m already making progress toward my goals. Granted they are small goals for now, like being able to drink 64oz of water and have right number of protein shakes per day… but I’m getting there, and of course, I’m still losing weight in the process.
It is a very strange feeling to be full after drinking a few sips of water, or to barely be able to drink a few protein shakes a day and have absolutely no desire to eat anything else. As for the pain… I’m better now, it’s starting to hurt a little less everyday, but to anyone who thinks losing this way is going to be the “easy way out” trust me… it isn’t. This hurts… a lot! Not only is it pretty painful, but then there is also the massive pile of medications you end of having to take for months after this. It’s hard enough to keep track of that I ended up having to make myself a daily checklist to remember what I have to take when and if I’ve actually done it.
I will surely write more soon and document this journey… I can already tell it’s going to be a bit of a crazy ride!
Again, thank you all so much for your messages, texts, and emails… they’ve really helped a lot. You’re all amazing!