Day #48 – Oh Lord, I Think I’m Becoming A Runner

I wouldn’t say I’m becoming a runner because I’m good at… in fact, I’m NOT good at it!! I just for some reason have really started to like it. It’s such a great way to burn off stress, and of course burn off some fat… but I’m starting to get to that point where I actually DO feel better after a run. It was such a weird thought at first when I heard people talking about it… but sure enough, I’m finally starting to get it!

This evening was such a big one for me. As stated way back in the day (about 47 days ago) when I listed my goals… one of them was to run 3 consecutive 10 minute miles, or 3 miles in 30 minutes. Well, today after work I came home, did a 5 minute little warm up on the treadmill… and then, for the first time since I’ve started this crazy thing…. managed to smash out one mile in 9 minute, 45 seconds!!!! The twisted part is… I loved every damn minute of it!




So all said and done today, I actually did a ton of running!! 20 situps and 10 pushups too, but with a 5 minute warm-up, 10 minute mile and 2 normal treadmill sessions, and 15 minutes before work this morning… I actually did a total of an hour today. That’s exactly what I should be doing!!


No to go out and do a little relaxing!! I’m about go see a bunch of people tonight who haven’t seen me in about 20 pounds or so! Let’s see what happens!!

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