After a pretty crazy workout the other day, and a nice…. well deserved… day of rest, I jumped right back into it today! Granted this morning weekly weigh-in was not really what I wanted it to be… fair is fair, I do have to post it.
It’s still not bad at all… that puts me at 4 pounds lost this week for a total of 38 since the first day I started this crazy thing. I’ll do my best to keep up the intensity, keep running, rowing, push-up’ing, sit-up’ing, and every other _____’ing thing I possibly can. Like one of my favorite twitter hashtags says: #justkeepmoving.
Today’s workout was a 2 hour awesome mix of carido, some basic body-weight exercises and of course, just a little hash of pain before the whole thing over.
And now… honestly, I’m gonna get a snack and sit the hell down for a little while! hahaha