So yesterday is when I finally started feeling some soreness in my calves and really the beginning of a little pain in the balls of my feet. I am STIL
Category: Weightloss
I battle with weightloss constantly. In fact, it’s been my entire life. I will keep fighting until I get to where I want to be thought. This blog is for me to document my progress and share it with people. I know I could always use some encourage and I hope people find it motivating for themselves as well.
Here I document my workouts, my dieting, my and my progress. I’ve included charts, tables, pictures, and just about everything you’d want to know. However, if something isn’t there, go ahead and post a comment or email me and ask!
Also, if you just want to see how I’m doing, you can always check my Current Weightloss Progress page! If you see me slipping, feel free to yell at me too! :-P
Day #5 – Finally getting a little sore.
I'm just going to have to stick with the mantras of "All go, no stop, never quit" and "no pain, no gain" because it's finally starting to set in a lit
Day #4.5 – I needed a little extra…
So I did go out to dinner last night, it was actually a previous obligation and I honestly, I just didn't want to not go! So, I did. The problem was t
Day #4 – I own a union treadmill!
Yeah, you heard me... it must be in a union! Not even bankers need a break after an hour! But more on that later, for now: another picture of another
Day #3 – Its working!!
I know I know I know... weighing yourself every day isn't really a good thing to pay such close attention to since everyone's weight fluctuates a bit,
So much encouragement!
Keep it coming, keep following, keep posting, keep commenting, texting, email and calling. I've gotten everything from simple texts saying "good job,
Day #2 – Are two-a-days a good idea?
Still rocking my way into an awesome start. The amazing support and encouragement has been rolling in non-stop from friends and family. People are c
Research on…. coffee!
So I started things out this morning with a VERY simple question posted on twitter and Facebook: "I've heard that coffee with a few splenda & a sp
Day #1 – Know where you are…
I had been thinking about this for a while, losing weight that is. It's a long overdue goal for me, and with an incredibly open, honest and motivating